Ballet Day Camp: Continuing to Train on Break

Today at 4th Avenue Arts we are blessed with 10 ballet dancers coming to train over their holiday break!

I am reminded on days like today that it is the committment to return to the studio that give life to this place...the heart of the students, the passion for what they choose to do...that is why we continue.

I find myself not only appreicating the extra one on one time with the kids, but additionally I deeply value that at this young age they have choosen to come into the theatre and train during their time "off". I love the moments of connection - deep dancer hugs, quiet studio stretches, the surprise edible arrangements delivery, the sharing and communion that occurs within the feeds the soul and warms my heart.

As an Artistic Director and instructor, I find a hard balance sometimes in telling people the value in training continually. That dance is very different from other activities. There is no "down time" no "breaks", your body cannot afford to go days and weeks without training. If it does, it takes SO long to get back to where you were...frustration occurs, burnout happens...I see it all the time. And not just in the students. Parents often ask questions about why their student hasn't progressed in their level, why they didn't get cast in a certain part...I battle daily with giving answers about their own investment about what they are doing on their "down time". What happens during the breaks? The summer months?

Even if getting into a studio is impossible then progress in another way; research dance articles, watch historical videos, write about what inspires you, stretch and work on your ballet vocabulary. Organize movement improvisations with your family! Whatever you in MOTION!

I am left today feeling inspired and thankful for a day of training. For time...and for moving together. Move...Create...Inspire...#4thAvenueArts

#dance #ballet #daycamp
